Upcoming Events and Reminders
Women’s Fellowship- Galentine's Event
February 16 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm at the church (followed by our regular Sunday Night Bible Study)
You are invited to have a wonderful evening with your sisters in Christ.
Bring a friend and your favorite chocolate dessert to share.
Our Bible Study will be about the Woman at the Well.
Men’s Fellowship- trip to the gun range
February 22 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Ammo Depot at 10 am. We will meet for lunch together afterward.
The cost will partly depend on you, but expect a $20 minimum.
Empower Conference - Youth Rally
February 23 @ 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
The van will leave the church at 5:30.
Let Jonathan know if you would like to go.

Empower Conference
February 24-25th
Mark your calendars now to join us at this powerful event. We will meet at the church at take the bus over. More details about times to follow.
Click here to see details about speakers and topics.

Men's Monthly Breakfast
Saturday, March 1st at 9:00 at the church
All men are invited to come for breakfast and fellowship.
School Supplies
the supply for the month of February is blue and black ink pens
As you are out and about, pick up some of the school supply and drop them in the box in the back of the worship center.
In August, we will have an event where families who need them can come and collect them.