Upcoming Events and Reminders
School Supplies
September - Composition Notebooks
This month we start collecting school supplies for the 2025 school year. It’s never too early.
As you are out and about, pick up some of the monthly school supply and drop them in the box in the back of the worship center.
In August, we will have an event where families who need them can come and collect them.
Hunt County Baptist Association "Fall Family Gathering"
Sept 8th 4:00 – 8:00 with dinner – at Vansickle Baptist Church 2181 CR 2246, Greenville
Hunt county baptist association gathering
Ordination Ceremony for our 2 new Deacons
Sunday, September 15th During morning service
We will be ordaining our new Deacons, William Henderson and Michael Kelly, during the morning service this Sunday.
Old Fashioned Church Social
Sunday, September 15th after morning service
Bring a dish to pass and stay to enjoy food and fellowship after our morning Ordination Service.
Men's Breakfast
Saturday, September 21st, 9:00 am
Youth Event - Nerf Day at Church
Sunday, September 22nd, after church - free
** Note – Date has changed to the 22nd as to not interfere with the Ordination Celebration on the 15th **
Lord's Supper
Sunday, September 29th
We will be taking communion durring our Church service this morning.
Good News Club
If you are interested in helping out with the Good News Club this school year, contact Amy.
Fall Festival
Saturday, October 27th
We will be doing our annual “Trunk or Treat” party. We are in need of volunteers.