
Upcoming Events and Reminders

Men - Fish Fry

Saturday 3/29 at noon

Join us at noon today for lunch.  Bring a side dish to share.  This will be a free event, but donations accepted to cover cost.

Men - Breakfast

Saturday 4/5 at 9am

Come together with other men from the church for a hearty breakfast and good fellowship.  This will be a free event, but donations of food or money accepted to cover cost.

Women - 2nd Annual Hunt County Women's Conference

Saturday, April 5th, 10-2 at Highland Terrace Church in Greenville

Join us for this exciting event as we hear from our guest speaker, Melissa Tamplin Harrison!
Participate in a breakout session of your choice and have a chance to win amazing door prizes generously donated by local merchants.

$20 (includes breakfast & lunch) – sign up list in the back of the church if you would like to car pool.
Click here if you would like to register yourself, or sign up and pay Nikki Stewart, and she will sign you up.

Family Life Group - Lunch

April 6th - right after church

For families with children from infant through 12th grade, come fellowship with other families.  See Michael or Nickie Kelly for more information. 

Whole Church - Cleanup

Saturday, April 12th at 9 am - At the church

This will be a whole church event.  We will spend some time cleaning up flower beds outside, and decorating inside, getting the church ready for Easter Services.

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 18th at 7:00 pm - at the church

Come gather together to remember the sacrifice our Savior made for us so that we could have a relationship with our Creator and spend eternity with our Lord!

We will be taking the Lord’s Supper (communion) this evening.

Resurrection Sunday Service

Sunday, April 20th at 10:45 am - at the church

Hallelujah, He is Risen!  Come celebrate the Resurrected Christ!

Whole Church - Youth Camp Fundraiser

Sunday, April 27th - right after church

The youth will put on their annual Baked Potato Fund Raiser.  Students who work this even earn money toward paying for camp.

Come with an appetite and make a donation to support our youth going to Youth Camp.

School Supplies

the supply for the month of February is blue and black ink pens

As you are out and about, pick up some of the school supply and drop them in the box in the back of the worship center. 

In August, we will have an event where families who need them can come and collect them.