
Upcoming Events and Reminders

School Supplies

As you are out and about, pick up some of the school supply and drop them in the box in the back of the worship center. 

In August, we will have an event where families who need them can come and collect them.

Good News Club

We have a huge number of children signed up for Good News Club.  We desperately need more workers.

Then [Jesus] said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”

If you are free on Monday afternoons, and would be willing to help out, contact Amy.

New Wednesday Night Adult Study

Beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 7pm

Join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM as we embark on a new study of biblical eschatology. We will survey the whole of the New Testament, as well as a number of important passages from the Old Testament, in order to gain a deeper understanding of what Scripture teaches regarding this vital topic. The word “eschatology” literally means “the study of last things,” often leading us to assume that eschatology is only concerned with events and ideas relating to the end of time. As we will see, though, the topic of eschatology runs far deeper than this and impacts many other doctrines and teachings of Scripture. We will be exploring a wealth of theological topics, seeking always to understand what the biblical authors have to say about these things. So come and let us reason together, as we seek to better understand what God’s Word teaches us about eschatology.

Empower Conference

February 24-25th

Mark your calendars now to join us at this powerful event.  We will meet at the church at take the bus over.  More details about times to follow.

Click here to see details about speakers and topics.